What's An Herb?

Ginger Benefits

Posted by Pearl Oberlander on

Ginger Benefits

So, as promised here's the first herb in a series.  GINGER! Prized for its medicinal and culinary properties in Asian cultures for thousands of years, ginger, also known as ginger root, is an underground rhizome. It's a little strange-looking, like a small, rounded, brown cactus. But the fragrance is pleasantly pungent, and the flavor completely unique, reminiscent of citrus with acidic notes. Ginger is a versatile addition to soups, sauces, marinades, and a number of other dishes, from baked apples to stir-fried vegetables. A cup of tea, of course, is one of its hallmarks, not just for pleasant flavor, but soothing...

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What's an herb?

Posted by Pearl Oberlander on

What's an herb?

Herbs are plants that have a long history of use for specific therapeutic purposes. You may be pleasantly surprised that some are in your kitchen cabinet right now. That's right, go check. Chances are you'll find cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, cloves, black pepper, cayenne, cumin and more. But these are spices aren't they?  Well, some herbs have been used as spices for millennia to enhance the taste of our food. Turns out these spices have extraordinary healing prowess! Who Knew?! Turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory, Ginger is a microbiome balancer, Cayenne assists in immune response and Cinnamon can help balance blood sugar levels. Wow! ...

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